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类型:同性 爱情 泰国剧  泰国  2021 

主演:塔雷·萨古安迪坤 纳坤·斯克瑞艾 努查坡·奇瓦潘亚罗 纳塔蓬· 




[BohnDeun]  Season 2 will see the progression of Bohn and Deun's relationship as they navigate their way around their Tom and Jerry relationship.  [RamKing]  After season 1 ended with King drunk confessing his feelings to Ram so this season will contain the process of them facing their feelings and finally getting together.  [TharaFrong]  Frong began to have feelings for Thara by the end of season 1. However, the always nurturing and kind Thara still was not able to identify that his kindness for Frong was not just platonic — and so, in this season will show this couple slowly fall in love.  [MekBoss]  Season 1 ended with Boss choosing Mek and them being officially together in front of everyone. Season 2 will show us what is next for their love story.程心程意2什么时候上映?程心程意2好看吗?网友精彩评论:什么时候才能看到ramking、表哥表嫂甜蜜蜜啊我枯了



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